Article(s) de la catégorie ‘Actus / News

Video : La porte de derrière

Tuesday, November 26th, 2013

First video from “histoires de blues”
Leslie Riss : Back vocal
Didier Zilliox : Bass
Fabrice Collette : Voice, guitar

New videos

Monday, December 31st, 2012

2 vidéos in studio while rehearsing

Back vocals : Leslie Riss
Bass : Didier Zilliox
Voice and guitar : Fabrice Collette

Blues stories - Fabrice Collette’s new live music project

Tuesday, November 27th, 2012

Her are the first pictures of the new band while rehearsing in studio

Leslie Riss : back vocal
Didier Zilliox : Bass
Fabrice Collette : lead vocal and guitar


Photos : AV Migeassole

Tribute to Leonard Cohen - Live and onlive

Saturday, November 5th, 2011

Fabrice Collette will do a tribute to Leonard Cohen on saturday november, 5th at 9pm - Paris Time

The concert will be held at the Leonard Cohen’s fan club in the virtual world Second Life.

You will be abble to listen to it live via Winamp or WindowMediaPlayer. Simply listen to the url

The yellow skirts field dream

Friday, November 5th, 2010

When Florence Monod told me about her dream of the yellow skirts field, if felt this idea was magical. The image of those yellow skirts, many and single at the same time, lost in the middle of a wide field, made me immediaty think of the beauty and the hardness of the human lives, together and singles in a universe wider than they will ever be.

Florence made her dream come true, i put a few words and notes on my emotions and it turned to be a song :”Quand tu r’viendras”.

Get the Flash Player to see the wordTube Media Player.

Texte et musique : Fabrice Collette
Photo : AV Migeassole