Hommage à Leonard Cohen - Concert en ligne

Fabrice Collette fera un hommage à Leonard Cohen le vedredi 15 fevrier à 22h - heure de Paris.

Le concert se tiendra dans le Woodstock virtuel du monde virtuel Second Life.

Vous pourrez l’ecouter en direct via Winamp ou WindowMediaPlayer. Il vous faut simplement choisir d’ecouter l’url : http://tv26.stream-music.net:8002/

“Several reviewers of my new CD have noticed that there was something of Leonard Cohen’s atmosphere in my music. So now it’s time to make my coming out : it’s true that i have listened to a lot of that guy’s music, and its true that during my college time i used to sing almost all of his songs, and it’s also true that that has been very helpfull with girls but that is another story …. And what could be a better place than Woodstock to share this story with all my friends and people of Second Life ? - Fabrice Collette”

Des images de la soirée
Tribute to Leonard Cohen
Tribute to Leonard Cohen
Tribute to Leonard Cohen

7 Comments so far

  1. February 15th, 2008

    | 8:32 pm

    Hello Fabrice ! Good luck for your show !

  2. Jean Claude
    February 15th, 2008

    | 11:34 pm

    Suzanne, dance me to the end of love… super !
    Merci Fabrice
    Jean Claude

  3. Jean Claude
    February 16th, 2008

    | 12:03 am

    Bravo pour le final…
    Merci encore
    Jean Claude

  4. Claude
    February 16th, 2008

    | 1:50 pm

    Ton tribute to Leonard Cohen est tout simplement magnifique
    j’ai les boules de ne pas l’avoir enregistré

  5. February 16th, 2008

    | 9:54 pm

    I enjoyed your concert yesterday very much. Your voice IS perfect for Leonard Cohen songs. I will look forward to hearing some of your other work also. I will suggest you to Amari Gable, who puts together concerts in Amatsu Mitsukai, the Semple Truth sim. I will also suggest you to Bizarre Berry, who is planning to begin concerts in the Lovelace sim. *bows to Crosby-san*
    Pomona Writer, Geisha Mishiori for Amatsu Okiya

  6. February 17th, 2008

    | 8:12 pm

    un nouveau concert mais quel concert, superbe …. :-)

    … et pourquoi pas pouvoir entendre l’enregistrement ici ?

  7. marie bonnotte
    January 20th, 2010

    | 8:33 pm

    original / génial/authentique / vrai/ toujours de grande qualité
    marie claude